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When your daughter dresses in all black, talks to changelings and tells you that life is meaningless, you know she became an irredeemable villain.
She must be killed. Shining Armor knows it.
Cadance says it's just a phase, but he knows.
It's definitely not a phase.

Made for the Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad contest. Couldn't resist writing about that big dumb unicorn.
Cover by emmaneiac.
Featured from 15/03/2024 to 19/03/2023. Thank you.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has been putting off a very important conversation for far too long. Her friends and family send her some letters telling her the truth.

Celestia is not good at the whole being in love thing.

Thanks to a good friend for helping edit my garbage writing.

Now with sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/557076/now-youve-been-told

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves Day. Anon wants a pizza; Cadance wants to find him a marefriend. Only one of them is going to get what they want today.

Chapters (1)

To my dear friend, Spike

I know it has been a while, but I have something I need your help with.

I'll be at the cottage, as always, so please drop by whenever you have the time to help.

I'll be waiting patiently for your arrival.

Your old friend, Discord.

A Drama submission for the A Thousand Words Contest.

Edit: Featured on June 4th and 5th. Thank you all for reading.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to What Doesn't Kill You

Anon, fed up with being a handyman for the town, searches for his calling in life. And despite Twilight's assurances that he has no magic, Anon discovers avenues he's yet to explore.

If only he wasn't such an asshole.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Heart to Heart

In the middle of a party held in honor of the one and only Anonymous, Princess Celestia notices that the man of the hour is missing. Worried for her little human, she finds him sitting on the curb, alone.

Quite inebriated, Anon let's Celestia in on a secret, one that can be quite self-destructive.

It seems, another heart to heart is in order.

Chapters (1)

The second week of Anon's impromptu displacement had gone reasonably well. The quaint folk of Ponyville have taken him in as well they could, considering his origins and uncommon physique. The local Goddess' of day and night bequeathed him a place to call his own (a bit of a fixer-upper, but he'll manage), and even granted him citizenship!

So why does he feel so conflicted? As the young man struggles to get his emotions under control, said horse Goddess butts in to keep him company.

He really doesn't mind.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Anon, having freshly started dating, spend the morning of Hearth’s Warming together. Cel arrives a little earlier than Anon expects her to, but luckily, she is nothing if not accommodating.

The first of my greentexts to be (amateurishly) translated into prose format.
Originally found here: https://ponepaste.org/9685
Cover image credits to boxu

Chapters (1)

Huzzah! It’s Anonymous’ day off! What glory it is to be free of any duties, and spending his free time goofing off with his buds!

What’s that? He’s bored? That simply will not do! Time to go visit Twilight, where nothing bad every happens and spells definitely absolutely never go wrong!

Chapters (3)

Cuddles meet crusades, and hilarity ensues.

Chapters (5)